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domingo, 26 de agosto de 2018

Space and Time

Welcome again to my blog ; I started to read the book, for the English class the teacher asked us to perform an analysis of the time and space that we found on the literary text, so first I´m going to start with the spaces, Im going to mention two, the general that is where the whole book was developed, and the specific ones, that is, the places where concise events happened. Most of the story takes place in London and its surroundings which is an open and real space, a city founded by the Romans in 43, located on the banks of the River Thames, southwest of the island of Great Britain; There we find two important spaces where most of the situations happen which are the research center and the building of departments, both are real and closed spaces since there is no environmental feature inside. Continuing with the other aspect, I analyze the environmental and unreal time that is evidenced in a great way in the town since as the book says it is a ghost town "this is the mouth of the abyss here nobody exists all are dead"; On the other hand as for the time of the narrative I consider that it is written chronologically, without taking into account how the facts are located in the book "before Ford and after Ford. finally, I found that historically the events take place approximately 632 of the Fordian era.
Resultado de imagen para centro de investigacion un mundo feliz
Resultado de imagen para centro de investigacion un mundo felizResultado de imagen para centro de investigacion un mundo feliz

lunes, 13 de agosto de 2018


Welcome to my blog of  "Brave New World" the book that I am reading in English class, written by Aldous Huxley ; So far I have read the introduction of the book where two points of view are put forward by Margaret Atwood and David Bradshaw; I think it is going to be a great book because it let us analyze the society consumption in each person , it also propose the indicated definition of the world and all the aspects that make it up, without taking into account that representation is made through "fiction", this is evidenced since there is a drug "soma", which controls the individual behavior in society and the treatment humans develops in coexistence which leads to the discussion of the utopia and dystopia concepts, according to Margaret; On the other hand, it is a book developed in the past years, what allows the author  to relate political terms of the time with the advance in society, as is totalitarianism, that is when power is taken by a single person or party in an authoritarian manner, which fits perfectly since everyone is dominated; i see that there are many things to explore so I will continue to read and inquire the book, I think it has an interesting development with important positions of reality.


I consider that the plot of the text begins exactly at the moment in which Bernard and Lenina travel to the savage reservation, where they k...